We appreciate your generous support! To make a gift to the CKP, please send a check to:
University of Chicago
Gift Administration and Business Data, 5235 S. Harper Court, 4th Floor, Chicago, IL 60615, attn. Telly Green.
Please make the check payable to the University of Chicago Civic Knowledge Project, and indicate in the memo line that it is for CKP acct. #6-31673
Contact Us
Please join our CKP listserve by e-mailing us at civicknowledge@listhost.uchicago.edu
The Civic Knowledge Project enjoys a wide base of support from funders both inside and outside of the University. Our work has been made possible by generous gifts from private donors, from such foundations as the Chicago Community Trust and the Joyce Foundation, and from the University's Division of the Humanities, Office of the Provost, Women's Board and Darfur Fund. If you are interested in helping our fundraising efforts, or volunteering to help with one of our programs, please contact the Director, Bart Schultz, directly at 773-834-3929 ext.1 or rschultz@uchicago.edu, to insure that we work within the guidelines of University policy.
Bart Schultz
Executive Director of the Civic Knowledge Project
Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Office: Rm. 133, Edelstone Bldg.
6030 S. Ellis
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: 773-834-3929
Fax: 773-702-6305
Email: rschultz@uchicago.edu
Erika Dudley
Senior Program Manager, Progressive Conversations and Erika's Loom
Email: edudley@uchicago.edu
Please do come visit us in our wonderful new headquarters in the University of Chicago Edelstone Center, 6030 S. Ellis Av., Room 133, Chicago IL 60637.