Civic Knowledge Project

Division of the Humanities | The University of Chicago

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Grounding Ideas

Successful democracies gather their strength and vitality from their ability to generate remarkably rapid knowledge transmission and an impressively fluid circulation of knowledge across geographical and social barriers. In a successful democracy, social diversity translates into an expanded knowledge base compiled from the banks of the entire citizenry. A central goal of the Civic Knowledge Project is to lead the University in generating modes of knowledge transmission between itself and its surrounding knowledge communities that might help jumpstart, in places where it has broken down or has never existed, the process of cultural circulation and mutual influence that is crucial to socioeconomic mobility and fluidity, and successful democratic practice.
- Danielle Allen, Founder of the Civic Knowledge Project and former Dean of the Humanities

A brief introduction to the Civic Knowledge Project (DOC)

Bart Schultz, "The New Chicago School of Philosophy" (PDF)

Danielle Allen on the origins of CKP (PDF)

The CKP's March through Time (PDF)

The CKP: